Session Overview
There are an amazing number of Third Party apps that provide engaging and relevant teaching support for classroom lessons. This session opens the door to a selection of engaging tools and encourages teachers to search and purchase specific apps for use with their classes. We will be covering a wide range of learning areas and unique tools.
During this session you will learn how to…
● Use Third Party apps to engage children and successfully launch a lesson
● Search and find quality educational apps relevant to your teaching area
● Use your Apple ID to add these apps to your iPad
Participants should be familiar with:
How to purchase apps
Suitable for:
Teachers, Educational Support Staff
Participants should bring:
AppleID **please know your password
Presented by Shane McGurk.
Please make sure your iPad/Mac is running the most recent operating system and that apps are updated to the latest version.
Registration for this session has been closed because we have reached the maximum number of participants. Please visit this page to see if there is availability for your chosen session on another date.