This task at its core is designed as an Observational Skills Project for students using Animation in Keynote with an optional integration of soundscapes in GarageBand. Students are required to marry their Metacognitive Skills with their Digital Technologies Skills to create, observe, interpret, recall, and display prior learning knowledge. There is some creative prep work for teachers in Pages, though if students use MacBooks or you would like to extend students’ creativity within this task, the students may engage this portion of the task in Pages.
Keynote: Creative Observational Animations
This task at its core is designed as an Observational Skills Project for students using Animation in Keynote with an optional integration of soundscapes in GarageBand. Students are required to marry their Metacognitive Skills with their Digital Technologies Skills to create, observe, interpret, recall, and display prior learning knowledge. There is some creative prep work for teachers in Pages, though if students use MacBooks or you would like to extend students’ creativity within this task, the students may engage this portion of the task in Pages.